Talking Slow Living on Ruth & Ragnar

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I get asked a lot about slow living and minimalism and how I bring these to life in our family. Well, first I should probably tell you that most of my week is anything but slow. I work full time outside the home in a very hectic job. I work in politics in Canada and not only are the days hustled, they are highly unpredictable, chock full of emotional people and high stakes situations. I’m a naturally calm person, people often describe me as “zen,” which is probably why I’ve survived in my job. However, after working in this environment for a few years I started to notice that I carried that hustled, stressed energy home with me. I would furiously clean and tidy all evening, I would speedily move from one task to another, and multi-tasking was the only way I did anything. On the weekends I would hustle around doing errands, taking Ro and Sen to a list of activities and catching up on my social calendar. I couldn’t seem to find a slo-mo setting… Read the rest of the post over on Ruth & Ragnar.

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Danielle Chassin Hippie in Disguise in flower garden

In the news: Talking Minimalism on Hey Mama

A few months ago I wrote about Hey Mama and interviewed the founders Katya Libin and Amri Kibbler just before they launched an online community for creative and entrepreneurial mothers. In the intervening months, they’ve launched a successful site and garnered quite a following on social media. Each week they post new content covering interviews with successful entrepreneurial moms, styling and brand spotlights, tips for aspiring bloggers and social media influencers, and all sorts of fun lifestyle posts from a range of contributors. Their site is pretty slick and doesn’t have that earthy vibe (that I give off!!), so I was a little surprised when they asked me to contribute a post about minimalism.

Danielle Chassin Hippie in Disguise in flower garden

After sharing my first draft, Katya and Amri wrote back saying they liked it, but pushed me to speak more about my own experience with minimalism and raising children. Again, I was surprised. I didn’t think that was the box they wanted me to fit into. After another draft or two, the piece sounded a lot more like me (and what I thought was a lot less like Hey Mama). And yet, they loved it. It took me a day or two to realize that Katya and Amri really, honestly do celebrate difference, and want to represent a range of mothers and paths to success through Hey Mama. So, I guess my post does sound like me and like Hey Mama, because Hey Mama isn’t just one voice, it’s many. I encourage you to visit their site and to say hi over on their Instagram account. They have open minds and lots of ideas to share.

For my piece, which you can find here, I share 11 Ways to Get the Most out of Life with Minimal Living. I had a longer list than 11… because you know I can go on and on about minimalism (I’m not very minimal when it comes to that!), so I thought I’d share what didn’t make the cut and you can visit Hey Mama to read the rest.

So, here are some of my tips for getting started with minimalism, by first focusing on minimizing the stuff in your living space (in my Hey Mama post you’ll hear more about how to bring your kids on board with minimalism):

  • Accumulation happens because we keep things around, but also because we keep adding to our stash of stuff. To get closer to that relaxing minimal space, you need to minimize the amount of new things you bring into your home, and purge any unused, unnecessary, duplicate items from your home. Do you have 5 wooden mixing spoons? You can safely get rid of 3 of them, probably 4. Do you have high school notes? You definitely don’t need them!
  • Don’t window shop or browse. Limit your chances of impulse buying things by only shopping when you know what you need ahead of time and stick to that list. Better yet, wait a few days or a week to buy something, you might discover you don’t need it that badly or at all.
  • When purging your home of excess stuff, break up the work. Divide your living space into zones, so you can focus on one at a time, and feel a sense of accomplishment when it’s done. It will motivate you to keep going. A zone might be your pantry, an entire room or just a drawer, depending on how much time you have to put into it. It’s great to start with your bedroom or the room you spend the most time in, because the positive feedback of having this room done will encourage you to keep going.
  • Build on the positive feelings of purging stuff from your home to motivate you to keep eliminating stuff. Once you start purging things, it becomes somewhat addictive, the positive feedback of having less to tidy and more space to enjoy will provide ample motivation to keep going. You will also likely notice a change in your housemates sense of calm; my children have thrived on having less stuff in the house and playing outdoors without toys.
  • Talk to others who have minimized their living space. You will hear from everyone that you talk to that they have only had positive experiences with eliminating stuff from their life. They have never regretted donating or giving something away. The fear of regret is what often holds people back, but the reality is, we don’t miss our stuff.

After visiting Hey Mama, please come back and let me know what your favourite tip was. And why not leave a comment on Hey Mama too!? xo

If you are interested you can view my Hey Mama profile here.

Let’s be friends! Please come find me in other places: