Illustration by Stephanie Ball
Over the last year or so a few talented illustrators and artists have drawn and painted portraits of Ro and Sen. These gifts has been such a delight and treasure for us, that I wanted to share them here in case you may be looking for a creative gift idea, something that won’t end up in the charity bin or will only last for a certain age span.
If you are going to give a material gift to someone then make it something worthwhile, something that will become an heirloom. The artworks below certainly will.
Stephanie Ball | @pianobythesea | email: stephballillustration@gmail.com
Joana Oliveira | @mydailydoodling | www.mydailydoodling.tictail.com
Cecelia Contreras | @migamigaceci | www.migamigacrea.wordpress.com
Kellie Diguanco | @kelliedigs | email: kellie@iamkellie.com
Lauren Noel | @ladynoel_designs | www.ladynoeldesigns.bigcartel.com
Cheng Kulai | @chengkulai | email: chengkulai@yahoo.com.hk
Sara Goetz | @sarahgoetz | www.sarahgoetz.me
Faustine Badrichani | @wooln_ny | www.faustinebadrichani.com
With Faustine’s illustration we printed it onto canvas paper and the children painted it with watercolours to make unique holiday cards for friends and family.
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